Here's some rumors, Chinese whispers, word that has reached from the grape vine...
Season 7
Sloan and E's wedding will be shown.
I'm looking forward to this for some reason. We hear about those Hollywood weddings, big shots who have friends who come to their wedding(who also are A list Actors). I'm wondering how this will play out, as Sloan is the daughter of a former Agent and E has made some waves in Hollywood, considering he's riding on the Vincent Chase oil rig.
Vince will start filming a new big-budget movie. He'll require a stunt coordinator to work with him on the action sequences and pyrotechnics.
Turtle will be in charge of a new business venture, which will require the hiring of a trio of sexy women, all of whom want to be cast in Vince's new film. LimHoes - the stupidest idea for Entourage. If they make this a successful venture, and Turtle gets a happy ending...I will nothing.